I am blessed beyond measure with a beautiful, loving, and deeply meaningful life provided by God. I praise Him every day for his enormous gifts. My spiritual journey began as I was born in 1956 to a traditional southern family in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA. The church messages were of a Powerful Punishing God and I lived in fear of sinning and going to hell. I loved going to Sunday School, singing, spending the summers in Vacation Bible school and attending the children’s programs. When my younger brother passed away, my parents stopped attending church. Darkness and sadness penetrated my family for many years. As a young child, I concluded God was punishing my family. In high school, I rejected religion and became more and more self-reliant but I remained fascinated with world religions. I went to college and decided to major in Anthropology to study world cultures and religions. I always looked as religion as a crutch for mankind, a kind of weakness but I wanted to deeply understand the various religions and world cultures. After graduating from college, I found that there was not much I could do for meaningful employment in the field of Anthropology so I pursued a successful business career. I was always seeking a deeper meaning of life. I began to practice yoga and meditation but I wanted more. I worked overseas throughout Asia and learned so much about Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. It was an adventurous time in my life. In 2008, I was living in India and my employer downsized and offered me a separation package. I quickly became depressed, lacking purpose in my life. I got divorced and moved to South Florida seeking positive change. My spiritual journey accelerated at this point. I joined Unity Church of Delray Beach and began studying A Course in Miracles. I discovered New Thought religions and the power of Positive Christianity. Since then, I have become committed to my church and my community. As a student of A Course in Miracles, I have found new meaning, purpose and passion in life. Today, I understand that my life is not about me, it is about my relationships with the God of my understanding and the people around me. I have gone through emotional and physical challenges. I have learned to rely on God and that my faith allows me to overcome life’s obstacles. I have had profound life changing experience by practicing forgiveness. The personal rewards of serving God and others are beyond measure. I no longer see religion as a crutch, but rather, as the foundation for personal and spiritual growth.
I began researching various theology and seminary programs. I did not want to limit my studies to a specific religion. I wanted to advance my learning in world religions which I believe is required in our society today to promote Love and Tolerance. I enrolled in All Faiths Seminary International in New York and the rest is history.
One of my favorite passages from A Course in Miracles is:
"A good teacher clarifies his own ideas, and strengthens them by teaching others." T-4.1.1:1
This is my renewed purpose – to humbly honor God, live in continuous gratitude, and carry the message that makes me whole.