Reverend Dr. Theresa Baudier, Interfaith Minister
I believe that all world religions are meaningful and rewarding to explore. As an Interfaith Minister, I work with people seeking a deeper meaning to life. With a focus on inclusion and diversity, I offer workshops, weddings, funerals, blessings, and more. Let me serve as your spiritual counselor in creating a personal relationship with the God of your understanding. There are many spiritual paths and all that matters is to be on the one that feeds your soul. There are countless prayers and ways to meditate. Find the one that works for you.

Let’s Get Spiritual
My life profoundly changed when I found 12 Step Recovery and A Course in Miracles. As an undergraduate, I earned my degree in Anthropology. I had a successful business career and lived throughout Asia for many years where I developed a deeper love of world religious practices and how to apply them in my own life. Through dedication and practice, I am finding Peace of Mind. I became an Interfaith Minister to champion the message of Love and Tolerance.
In 2006, I was living in Bangalore India. One Saturday afternoon, I was standing on a busy corner where I could hear the bells ringing from the Catholic Church. Hindus were lined up behind me to make a religious ceremony called pooja at a street temple. Next door at the Mosque, the Iman was announcing Adnan, the call for prayer, from the loud speaker. Sikhs were also gathering at the nearby Gurdwara. I looked up and saw a beautiful vertical rainbow. In that moment, to me, it represented the divinity in all faiths and I was filled with deep love and profound peace.
When we learn the world is upside down and train our minds to constantly seek spiritual solutions to emotional anxiety, we can experience grace and peace.
A Course In Miracles Study Group
Wednesdays, 7-8PM EST
"All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness. The important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."
The Dalai Lama